Monday, July 27, 2009

NJ Skin Care Expert Suggests Best Anti-Aging Facials Including Chemical Facial Peels

Question: Hello Valentina- what is the best anti-aging treatment? I’m in my mid-30’s. I have a few small lines and wrinkles, mainly from the sun. I want to start treating and preventing any more from forming! Which treatments do you recommend? I heard chemical peels are good?

Valentina: Chemical peels are an excellent way to treat and combat the signs of aging. However, like T-Shirts, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to skin care. While chemical peels are wonderful, you really need to have your skin analyzed to see which approach will yield the best results for you.

Here are some answers to commonly asked questions regarding Chemical Facial Peels. I am not addressing questions of deep chemical peels since those are performed only by doctors and plastic surgeons. I hope this helps. And remember, make a consultation to have your skin analyzed before booking an appointment for a Chemical Facial Peel. You want to make sure you are choosing the treatment that is best for your skin.

What is a Chemical Peel?

Typically used on the face, a chemical peel uses an acid solution to remove damaged outer layers of the skin. A chemical peel can smooth skin texture and is great for treating blemishes, reducing wrinkles and uneven skin pigmentation.

Are Chemical Peels Dangerous?

If performed correctly by a trained professional, the risk of injury from a chemical peel is low. However, you should always be aware that there could be negative side effects from any advanced skin care treatment like a chemical peel. These risks include scarring, infection, swelling, changes in skin tone, and cold sore outbreaks. This is why it is so critical to have a comprehensive consultation with the professional who is performing your chemical facial peel. You will be asked about any medications you are on, medical history and exposure to the sun.

Can anyone get a chemical facial peel?

Most people with acne, uneven pigments or wrinkles can get chemical peels. There are different types of chemical peels, so you should inquire about which peel would help the specific condition you are looking to treat. If you have been taking Acutane, you may have to wait before getting your peel. If your skin has a tendency to keloid, another treatment may be suggested for you. A professional consultation will help determine which peel is best for you.

Do Chemical Peels hurt?

Depending on how strong of a peel you get, you can expect a burning and tingling sensation during the peel while the solution is on your face. Remember, a deep chemical facial peel is a different story. I am speaking of lower grade peels that can be performed in a spa by a trained professional.

I hope this helps answer some questions you may have had. If you have further questions, email me at .

About Valentina Chistova

Valentina Chistova is a world-renowned aesthetician and beauty expert whose experience encompasses all facets of skin care and body treatments. Internationally trained, educated and certified, Valentina has devoted more than twenty years to her profession. Throughout her successful career she has provided services to many celebrities, including Mrs. Globe 2001, famous socialite and entrepreneur Ivana Trump, well-known KTU radio personality Michelle Vassage and Olympic figure skating champion Galit Chait Prior to opening AQUAMEDICA in Long Branch NJ, Valentina also consulted with leading dermatologists, providing skin care regimes for their patients. Valentina is a member of the National Cosmetology Association and a CIDESCO candidate (Comite International Desthetique et de Cosmetologie Desthetique), which is the highest degree of beauty therapy certification available in the United States and worldwide. Most recently, Valentina completed a rigorous training program with the Spanish organization Wontersaf, one of the world's leading centers for trichology, capillary diagnostics and scalp and hair treatment to combat hair loss and other hair dysfunctions. Valentina also holds a Registered Nursing Degree from Kharkov State University and Cosmetology degrees from the Kharkov Medical Institute in the Ukraine and the Capri Institute of Cosmetology in New Jersey.

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