Anti-Cellulite Concentrate
Transform mature, stubborn cellulite into firmness with the exclusive Lipo-Reverse complex- a combination of concentrated 10% Active Caffeine and 2.5% Glaucine Complex. In just 15 days, the look of “dimpled skin” is reduced, and the figure appears more defined.
"Morpho-Slim Anti-Cellulite Concentrate Transform mature, stubborn cellulite into firmness with the exclusive Lipo-Reverse complex- a combination of concentrated 10% Active Caffeine and 2.5% Glaucine Complex. In just 15 days, the look of “dimpled skin” is reduced, and the figure appears more defined."
- Morpho-Slim is Transform mature, stubborn cellulite into firmness with the exclusive Lipo-Reverse complex- a ... | Lierac (view on Google Sidewiki)